Honest Joy
To the morrow!
Where the sun kisses the horizon
Between veils of creation
Time stands still and asks a single question:
Where do you source your power?
By Loving as only Love can Love.
Fully. Fearlessly. Without question.
Unbridled devotion melting
Bones, blood, spirit into
One form of luminosity
Offered in the silent spaces between seeking
Satisfaction lives in the complete act of
Living Love Now
Welcome yourself
into this new space within you—
Your home, both known and mysteriously fresh,
Washed anew each time you enter.
Bask in this seat of presence
Nestled within the kernel of your heart.
Your body-being illumined with
the golden elixir of the sun
Floating above your throat.
Honey drinking itself,
Dripping down,
Opening through your tailbone.
Growing your root
Able to respond with awe + wonder.
Available to life
You marvel and weep
Joy grief joy grief joy grief…
Dissolving distinctions,
You are the wave surfing
Along the fins of the dolphin.
Have you forgotten?
The ocean relies on her magnetism
To access the delight of feeling you
Gliding through her liquid folds
Gaze upon the sunset with this thought:
The sun actively desires your attention
Your gaze
Your presence
to shine upon it.
The mountains,
The glistening surface of the water,
The forest,
The stars...
They all desire you
Drawing your attention out to meet them.
Drink in the beauty around you
Yet do not forget that you too, are beauty
Desired by the natural world.
How is it?
How does it feel to discover that you
Are a source of beauty that fuels
The exuberance of the natural world?
Can you allow yourself to be drawn out even more?
One breath in, one breath out.
And again.
In constant union.
The opportunity of Life is upon you!
How much can you allow yourself to merge with creation?
Welcoming the tides of life
As they beckon you
Into the expression of a more honest joy.